Re: Relationship Transfer using OWL

As a follow up,


WidgetFamily  a  owl:Class  .
inFamily  a  owl:ObjectProperty  .
Widget  a  owl:Class  .

Family_1  a  WidgetFamily  .
W1  a  Widget  .
W1  inFamily  Family_1  .
W2  a  Widget  .
W2  inFamily  Family_1  .

Family_1_Widget  a  owl:Class ;
        [   a  owl:Restriction ;
            owl:onProperty  inFamily ;
            owl:hasValue  Family_1
        ] .

I believe the following two statements will be inferred:

W1  a  Family_1_Widget  .
W2  a  Family_1_Widget  .

Is there a pattern to create an instance that represents all the
members of Family_1_Widget, call it Family_1_Widgets (note the
plural), such that it could be the object in a statement which
included a transitive property that then targeted all of the
individual members.  Meaning I want to assert the statement:

  ProductInfo  describes  Family_1_Widgets  .  # Note plural !!

And have the following two statements inferred:

  ProductInfo  describes  W1  .
  ProductInfo  describes  W2  .

Thanks again,

Michael Erickson

Received on Sunday, 24 July 2011 16:50:13 UTC