Blank nodes poll (results)


A couple of weeks ago you may remember that we sent a link to a poll
about blank nodes on the semantic-web and public-lod mailings lists.

       Original Email:

We would like to thank the ~ninty people who responded!

The results are now available at:

       Poll Results:

There were a number of criticisms of the poll, particularly with respect
to the example chosen. Along these lines, we also include any comments
left with the poll.

Since we did not ask about making information public, we made *minor*
edits to one comment to preserve anonymity. Also, we have not made the
dataset claims public for the same reason.

We hope that you find the poll results interesting!

You have all the information we do, so please feel free to draw your own
reading of the poll, and (of course) feel free to discuss on-list!
(...although we may choose to stay quiet.)

Alejandro and Aidan

Received on Thursday, 7 July 2011 12:47:25 UTC