Re: Reasoning over millions of triples - any working reasoners?


Virtuoso Universal Server was extended recently, and now demonstrates up
to 170 times better speed for "inconvenient" inference cases, the
related patch is on its way to (coming soon) Virtuoso Open Source.
OTOH, this change has been made so late because most of queries reported
before were successfully tuned.

Materialization of some transitive closure for sameAs could be nice, but
it is not realistic on big (esp. "compound") datasets like or : too many regular updates.

Best Regards,

Ivan Mikhailov
OpenLink Software

On Tue, 2011-01-18 at 22:30 +0100, William Waites wrote:
> * [2011-01-19 01:48:27 +0600] Ivan Mikhailov <> écrit:
> ] Virtuoso deals with owl:sameAs in a scalable way, so you can try. Of
> ] course, a single chain 50 million connections long would cause problems,
> ] but more traditional cases should work fine. Google for "virtuoso
> ] owl:same-as input:inference" may be the fastest way to get more hints.
> Maybe I'm doing something wrong but in my experience
> Virtuoso's owl:sameAs handling is not great. For example
> in bibliographca we have,
> foo a bibo:Book ; 
>   dc:contributor [
>      foaf:name "Bob";
>      owl:sameAs <http://some/author>
>   ].
> When the http://some/author is dereferenced it will first
> look for graph named that in the store. If it doesn't it
> goes and asks the store for all triples that have that as 
> a subject with sameAs processing turned on (would be nicer to
> have a bnode closure, actually). If there are many books that
> have contributor sameAs that (where many is maybe 50) the 
> query takes too long and times out.
> At this stage I would not recommend using Virtuoso's sameAs
> processing and am going to materialise these graphs...
> As far as strategies for dealing with sameAs are concerned,
> I've been meaning to do some experiments regrouping them into
> a congruence closure or bundle as its sometimes called, then
> doing things like migrating all properties from the leaves
> to the root. Some preprocessing that worked like that would
> bake a database structure that was much easier to work with
> instead of trying to solve things by implementing the formal
> definition directly (and recursively!).
> Cheers,
> -w

Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2011 06:26:19 UTC