Re: real-world usage of non-XSD data types?

Somewhere between real world and academics:
- I use a special datatype for storing wiki markup in Hyena [1] which means that I can provide a generic way of displaying RDF and it will get properly rendered wherever it appears.


On Jan 10, 2011, at 16:09 , Bob DuCharme wrote:

> includes the following sample data:
>   @prefix dt: <> .
>   @prefix ns: <> .
>   @prefix : <> .
>   @prefix xsd: <> .
>   :x   ns:p     "cat"@en .
>   :y   ns:p     "42"^^xsd:integer .
>   :z   ns:p     "abc"^^dt:specialDatatype .
> Can anyone point me to real-world usage of non-xsd data types like the "abc" example here?
> thanks,
> Bob

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
### Hyena: organize your ideas, free at

Received on Monday, 10 January 2011 15:52:55 UTC