Re: Spring cleaning


Parts of your concern are actually what drove the W3C to consider 
revising RDF towards a second version which would follow the current 
practices. The (not yet officially formed) Working Group has already 
established a charter [1] which defines as required, among others:
  * standardise Turtle;
  * standardise a JSON syntax;
which you are talking about. However, I don't see anything about 
standardising a "Linked Data protocole" or similar, but the 
"Miscellaneous" section may cover this or part of this.

[1] RDF Working Group Charter.


Le 27/12/2010 15:51, Nathan a écrit :
> Hi All,
> There are a few little bit's I've not really seen mentioned that it may
> be good to see addressed in 2011.
> As stupid as this may sound, there isn't actually any dereferenceability
> built in to RDF or "linked data", in RDF the URIs are all just logical
> constants and it's on a totally different level to the web, the RDF
> serializations make no mention of dereferencing URIs, and linked data
> isn't a protocol, thus tbh, the whole linked data thing is built purely
> on out of band knowledge between us, with /nothing/ to indicate to any
> machine that you can or can't dereference any URI mentioned in RDF.
> In addition to this, most of the RDF serializations aren't IANA
> registered either, other than RDF-XML, may not sound like much but it
> does have big side effects, as a quick example, if you take a turtle, n3
> or rdf-json file and expose it via a web server, there's no mime type,
> the possible file extensions aren't recognized, and there isn't any way
> to conneg - even if you enable content negotiation, servers and clients
> /can't/ negotiate because the mime type isn't there and isn't known.
> These two issues could easily become major thorns in the side, and it'd
> be good to see them addressed v soon (imo).
> Best & hope you're all having (or had) a great holiday,
> Nathan

Antoine Zimmermann
Researcher at:
Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information
Database Group
7 Avenue Jean Capelle
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex
Lecturer at:
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon
20 Avenue Albert Einstein
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex

Received on Tuesday, 4 January 2011 10:44:32 UTC