ANN: Elda 1.0.1, implementation of the Linked Data API

Dear All

I am happy to announce version 1.0.1 of the Epimorphics [1] implementation
of the Linked Data API [2]. The quickstart jar can be downloaded via

and its documentation can be perused in advance at

The Linked Data API provides a configurable way to access RDF data 
using simple RESTful URLs that are translated into queries to a SPARQL 
endpoint. The API developer writes an API spec (in RDF) which specifies
how to translate URLs into queries. Elda comes with some pre-built 
examples which allow you to experiment with this style of query and 
get started with building your own specs. 

Elda 1.0.1 improves over our previously-announced 0.9.10 by having an
implementation of the XML rendering of the results, and using that
as the basis for a detailed HTML rendering (using an XSLT transform
written by Jeni Tennison for the linked data api). 

Discussion of Elda is preferably conducted on the linked-data-api-discuss
Google group (registration required) (although I will not ignore mail
sent to




"There are questions, so many questions"                /Script Switch Trigger/

Epimorphics Ltd,
Registered address: Court Lodge, 105 High Street, Portishead, Bristol BS20 6PT
Epimorphics Ltd. is a limited company registered in England (number 7016688)

Received on Thursday, 24 February 2011 15:30:28 UTC