Re: please help define Web of Data

On 21 Apr 2011, at 09:01, Giovanni Tummarello wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 12:34 AM, Enrico Franconi <> wrote:
>> I guess Tom gave already an answer to your question: microformats are not in the web of data (nor are they linked data), they are just well structured (and easily accessible in the web environment) records of atomic ground data.

I see you're taking the "link" part as necessity for beign "web", while i take HTTP, universal URL accessibility as the necessary part. E.g. i think this is on the web, even with no links out :) but i see your point.

I can hardly imagine even the plain ol' Web without links: otherwise it would be just a gigantic set of files accessible via, say, ftp (albeit with a different protocol, as you notice) :-)

Received on Thursday, 21 April 2011 09:23:13 UTC