Re: using SKOS for controlled values for controlled vocabulary


There is the concept / usage  of "Collections" and "Ordered Collection" and "Semantic Relations" and "Semantic Display" in that document that can be used similarly..  

Semantic Relations and
Systematic Displays
--- On Sat, 10/9/10, Pavithra <> wrote:

From: Pavithra <>
Subject: Re: using SKOS for controlled values for controlled vocabulary
To: "KenLaskey" <>, "William Waites" <>
Cc: "" <>, "John F. Sowa" <>,
Date: Saturday, October 9, 2010, 4:40 PM

[ Since the same topic is being discussed in semantic web and ontolog thread, I have included both]


Seems to me that there are examples in the following link about usage of "altLabels" that specifies list of  values of a SKOS concept..   

[  Reference:  ]

Here is the example about concept " rock" and list of values as basalt, granite, and slate.  This is similar to concept color,  and list of values  as red, yellow and blue.   Here is the usage of it.. 

It is also possible
to use skos:altLabel to represent cases of upward
posting [ISO-2788]. That is, when a
concept aggregates more-specialized notions that are not explicitly
introduced as concepts in the considered KOS:
ex:rocks rdf:type skos:Concept;
  skos:prefLabel "rocks"@en;
  skos:altLabel "basalt"@en;
  skos:altLabel "granite"@en;
  skos:altLabel "slate"@en


--- On Sat, 10/9/10, William Waites <> wrote:

From: William Waites <>
Subject: Re: using SKOS for controlled values for controlled vocabulary
To: "Laskey, Ken" <>
Cc: "" <>
Date: Saturday, October 9, 2010, 3:12 PM

On 10-10-09 18:09, Laskey, Ken wrote:
> What I am missing is how to say a given description
> element in one controlled vocabulary, e.g. a SKOS Concept
> Scheme, can be constrained to a list of values, e.g. a
> SKOS Collection.  I was considering rdfs:range but I’m not
> sure that is applicable.

What about making a subclass of skos:Concept for
concepts in your controlled vocabulary and then making
rdfs:range be that subclass? You wouldn't have to use
skos:Collection at all.


  eg:Colour rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept .
  eg:colour a owl:ObjectProperty ;
      rdfs:range eg:Colour .

  eg:red a eg:Colour ;
      skos:notation "red" .
  eg:green a eg:Colour ;
      skos:notation "green" .
  eg:blue a eg:Colour ;
      skos:notation "blue" .

William Waites                       <>
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Received on Saturday, 9 October 2010 21:15:08 UTC