ESWC2011: Call for Tutorials

*apologies for multiple posting*


The 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2011)

           29th May - 2nd June 2011

              Heraklion, Greece


*About ESWC2011*

The mission of the 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference is to bring together
researchers and practitioners dealing with different aspects of semantic
technologies. Following a successful re-launch in 2010 as a multi-track
conference, ESWC 2011 builds on the success of the former European Semantic
Web Conference series, and seeks to extend its focus by engaging with other
communities and research areas in which semantics play an important role.

ESWC 2011 invites tutorials that address the interests of its varied
audience: people new to the Semantic Web, Semantic Web researchers and
practitioners that wish to learn new technologies, users of Semantic Web
technologies, and representatives of government and funding agencies. We
welcome submissions of tutorial proposals on all major topics related to
semantic technologies, including, but not limited to those covered by the
research and in-use tracks of the conference:

- Social Web and Web Science
- Ontologies
- Reasoning
- Semantic Data Management
- Linked Open Data
- Software, Services, Processes and Cloud Computing
- Natural Language Processing
- Sensor Web
- Mobile Web
- Data-Driven Methods
- Digital Libraries
- Semantic Web in Use

We especially solicit proposals for tutorials of the following types:

- Tutorials providing an introduction to new semantic technologies and
- Tutorials describing the application of semantic technologies in specific
domains (e.g., life-sciences, e-government, e-commerce etc.).
- Tutorials presenting techniques from other research fields that are of
relevance for Semantic Web research especially in relationship to the tracks
of the conference (e.g., techniques from social science, data-driven
techniques, NLP techniques etc.).

ESWC 2011 tutorials may be either for a full day or for a half day, but the
rationale for the choice needs to be explained in the proposal. Tutorials
may focus entirely on theoretical aspects; however, we encourage organisers
to incorporate hands-on sessions where appropriate. Finally, we expect
proposers to consider tutorials as educational events first, therefore they
should plan to provide the attendees with a comprehensive introduction to
the state-of-the-art in the tutorial's topic before moving on to cover
specific approaches in more depth.

*Important Dates*

Proposal submission: January 9, 2011 (11:59 pm Hawaii time)
Notification of acceptance/rejection: January 23, 2011
Deadline for receipt of URL for tutorial web page: February 6, 2011
Camera-ready tutorial material submission: April 24, 2011
Tutorial days at the conference: May 29-30, 2011


Organizers of accepted tutorials are responsible for preparing and
maintaining a Web site that describes the tutorial and includes all relevant
information. Organizers are also responsible for submitting the material to
be given to attendees (slide sets, additional teaching material, software
installation and usage guides for practical hands-on sessions, etc.) to the
Tutorial Chair. The ESWC 2011 Organizing Committee is responsible for
providing publicity for the tutorials as part of the conference publicity
activities, and on-site logistical support to the organizers and attendees.

*Proposal Submission*

Tutorial proposals should not exceed 5 pages and should contain the
following information:
- Abstract (200 words maximum, for inclusion on the ESWC 2011 website)
- Tutorial description (aims, target audience, presentation method,
technical requirements)
- Justification for the tutorial, including timeliness and relevance to ESWC
- Outline of the tutorial content and schedule
- Information on presenters (name, affiliation, expertise, experience in
teaching and in tutorial presentation)

Proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file by email to the Tutorial

Manolis Koubarakis
Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
koubarak at


For more detailed information, please visit the conference website: 

ESWC2011 brought to you by STI International (

Received on Thursday, 7 October 2010 13:00:54 UTC