Re: longevity of names

Hi Karl and all

I posted something along those lines a few months ago
Replace the specific "URI" by the more generic "name" or "identifier" and
you get the idea : duplicate, duplicate, and duplicate!

Let hundred flowers blossom etc.


2010/3/30 Karl Dubost < <>>

> Le 25 mars 2010 à 00:14, Danny Ayers a écrit :
> > Do we care? Life expectancy of data, boys and girls?
> ok, a bit of linked data sci-fi ;)
> Life = bio. What do bio-organism do well: reproduce (with small mutations)
> and multiply
> What makes libraries very powerful in the era of book-as-an-object? Copies
> of the same book in many places.  Is data life expectancy related to the
> number of copies of this data. I tend to believe a bit to that.
> What makes data fragile on the Web, not that much that they change names
> (it's happening and it's painful) but I would say more specifically the
> unique copy for each of them.
> For example, I think my Web site is on my laptop, on my server, and maybe
> some pages saved on some computers somewhere. But The most amazing thing
> being the backup copy that my mother has done of all my blog posts on…
> paper. Print!
> P2P is somehow very robust because distributed.
> It is easier to have copies of Usenet posts than say Web pages.
> Mailing-lists are good if people keep them in their boxes.
> The initial archives of the Web discussions were lost until someone got
> them from his own private mailbox.
> the archives of 1993 and 1994 are still not back in place at W3C.
> What saved these data, copies, more than names (URI).
> --
> Karl Dubost
> Montréal, QC, Canada

Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Vocabulary & Data Engineering
Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France

Received on Tuesday, 30 March 2010 07:53:58 UTC