Announcing PURL Federation Development Effort

Hi all,

The National Center for Biomedical Ontology and Zepheira are pleased to announce work on a PURL Federation.  A PURL Federation will allow multiple PURL service operators to cooperate in PURL resolutions, covering for each other in the case of service outages and allowing the persistent resolution of PURLs as funding levels and organizational details change with time.

PURL Federations are intended to enhance the ability of Semantic Web and Linked Data communities to ensure the persistence of their identifiers.

Prototypes of the PURL Federation code will be released occasionally in the coming months, with an Alpha version to be released in the Summer of 2010.  Further announcements of releases will be made on the purl-dev mailing list and on

The architecture document guiding the development of a PURL Federation is available at:

Review and feedback on the proposed architecture is encouraged.  We want to hear your use cases and good ideas.  Thanks in advance.

David Wood
Zepheira - The Art of Data
Cell: +1 540 538 9137

Received on Monday, 22 March 2010 18:00:05 UTC