CSR 2010: Last Call for Participation

Dear Colleagues,

Please find below the Last Call for Participation for CSR-2010.

If you need visa to come to Russia (most nationalities do need it!),
please contact the organizers *RIGHT NOW* to be on time with the official papers.
In any case, please register before March 23, because after this date
express mail fees will be added and still it will be difficult to be on time.

The preliminary program can be now found at

Best regards,

Organizing Committee, csr2010.kazan@gmail.com



    5th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia
                 June 16-20, 2010, Kazan, Russia

     Organized by Institute of Informatics of the Tatarstan 
	Academy of Sciences, and Kazan State University



CSR 2010 is the fifth conference in the series of regular
events spanning all areas of computer science. This year
it is mainly focused on its theoretical aspects.

The program of CSR 2010 is available at 


and consists of 30 contributed papers, an opening lecture by

  Alexander Razborov (University of Chicago and Steklov Mathematical Institute)

and 7 invited lectures by

  Susanne Albers (Humboldt-Universität, Germany)
  Fedor Fomin (University of Bergen, Norway)
  Juraj Hromkovic (Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland)
  Richard Jozsa (University of Bristol and University of Cambridge)
  Prabhakar Raghavan (Yahoo! Labs and Stanford University)
  Miklos Santha (Université Paris Sud and National University of Singapore)
  Uwe Schöning (Universität Ulm, Germany).

Two workshops in Kazan and one in Moscow are organized in conjunction with CSR-2010.
Pre-conference Workshop on Program Semantics, Specification and Verification:
Theory and Applications (PSSV 2010) in Kazan will be held on June 14-15.

Post-conference Workshop on High Productivity Computations (HPC 2010) in Kazan
will be held on June 21-22. It is intended to organize the discussions 
about high productivity computing means and models, including but not 
limited to high performance and quantum information processing. 

Note also that Franco-Russian Workshop "Complexity in algorithms, 
dynamics and bioinformatics" is organized in Moscow on June 13-15;
one may find it convenient to attend before CSR-2010:
Regarding this one, please contact its organizers directly.

The main accomodation site is the hotel "Korston" which offers conference 
discounts to participants (the number of rooms is limited, accomodation 
requests will be considered on a first-come-first-served basis).
There is a also a selection of other hotels at our web site.

To register for participation, please fill in the form at
http://csr2010.antat.ru/CSR2010RegistrationForm.pdf and send it to
info(at)antat.ru. If you plan to participate and need a *Russian visa*, 
please contact the organizers before March 23 since it takes more than 
a month just to issue the official invitation.

Symposium chair: Farid Ablayev (Kazan State University).

Further information and contacts:
  Web: http://csr2010.antat.ru/
  Email: csr2010.kazan(at)gmail.com

Received on Saturday, 20 March 2010 21:59:42 UTC