Call for Papers: the 2010 International Workshop on Web-scale Knowledge Representation, Retrieval, and Reasoning (Web-KR3 2010)

                          Web-KR3 2010 Workshop

                            CALL FOR PAPERS

The 2010 International Workshop on
Web-scale Knowledge Representation, Retrieval, and Reasoning (Web-KR3 2010)

Co-located with the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on
Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI/IAT 2010).

August 31, 2010, Toronto, Canada


Co-organized by Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC)
                Vrije University Amsterdam
                The Rule Markup Initiative
                The Large Knowledge Collider Project (LarKC)

# Accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Press in the WI/IAT 2010
# Workshop Proceedings. They will also be available in the IEEE Digital
# Library, the ACM Digital Library, and will be indexed by
# Engineering Index (EI), etc.

The World Wide Web has become the carrier for the largest human knowledge
repository in history. As its knowledge bases are growing towards a
practically "infinite" volume, Web-scale Knowledge Representation, 
and Reasoning (Web-KR3) is becoming a real issue and an urgent task. 
the Web community has developed a number of knowledge representation
languages and reasoning methods, when the volume goes Web-scale, existing
approaches meet many challenging problems, such as scalability, 
uncertainty and dynamics. Hence, a unified approach to Web-KR3 needs to be

This workshop thus aims to bringing together researchers from Web research,
Artificial Intelligence (AI), high performance computing, cognitive 
knowledge management, and machine learning to discuss all issues of Web-KR3
in a synergistic setting. The workshop is a full day workshop and will be
co-located with the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web
Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology.

Topics of Interest

Research contributions should be related but are not limited to one or more
of the following topics:

* Scalable knowledge representation languages for the Web.
* Expressivity of Web-scale common sense knowledge.
* Parallelization and distribution techniques for Web-scale knowledge 
  and reasoning.
* Inconsistency, uncertainty, and relevancy of Web-scale reasoning.
* Granularity of knowledge representation, retrieval, and reasoning.
* New forms of inductive and deductive reasoning (e.g. cognitive and nature
  inspired methods).
* Web-scale ontology and rule interchange and integration.
  (e.g. via OWL 2, RIF, and RuleML)
* Dynamics of knowledge updating and forgetting on the Web.
* Distributed query answering over Web-scale data.
* Cross-fertilizing Web-KR3 with Distributed AI, Distributed Description 
  and Distributed Logic Programming.

On-Line Submissions and Publication

All submissions for the Web-KR3 2010 Workshop should be submitted 
through the
WI/IAT 2010 Workshop Paper Submission system. 

All submissions are to be 4 pages in length (IEEE-CS format). A maximum 
of one
additional page can be included, but is subject to a surcharge on the 
registration fee.

All submissions will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program 
on the basis of:
* relevance to the workshop topic of interests.
* significance and technical quality
* originality
* format and clarity

Accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Press in the WI/IAT 2010 
Proceedings and will be provided on the workshop day. The papers in the 
proceedings will also be available in the IEEE Digital Library, the ACM 
Library, and will be indexed by Engineering Index (EI), etc.

Style Files for Paper Submission

IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines:

LaTex Formatting Macros:

Important Dates

Electronic submission of full papers
(4 pages in length in IEEE-CS format):
*** April 16th, 2010 ***

Notification of paper acceptance: June 7th, 2010
Camera-ready of accepted papers: June 21st, 2010
Workshop Day:  August 31st, 2010

Workshop Organization

Workshop Chairs:

* Zhisheng Huang,  
  Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group,
  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

* Harold Boley,
  Semantic Web Lab,
  National Research Council, Canada.

* Yi Zeng,
  International WIC Institute,
  Beijing University of Technogy, China.

Program Committee:

* Frank van Harmelen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
* Jeff Pan (The University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom)
* Barry Bishop (STI Innsbruck, Austria)
* Danica Damljanovic (The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)
* Guilin Qi (Southeast University, China)
* Spyros Kotoulas (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
* Peter Haase (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
* Dongmo Zhang ( University of Western Sydney, Australia)
* Leon van der Torre (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
* Holger Wache (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, 
* Jie Bao (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
* Wei Hu (Nanjing University, China)
* Jun Fang (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China)
* Dragan Gasevic (Athabasca University, Canada)
* Marta Sabou (Open University, United Kingdom)
* Nikolaus Wulff ( M¨šnster University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
* Yong Yu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
* Nick Bassiliades (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
* Adrian Giurca (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany)

*** Contact Information ***

Email: Zhisheng Huang <>
       Harold Boley <>
       Yi Zeng <>

Received on Wednesday, 17 March 2010 09:15:52 UTC