Re: Subjects as Literals, [was Re: The Ordered List Ontology]

On 1 Jul 2010, at 18:18, Yves Raimond wrote:

>> In any case RDF Semantics does, I believe,
>> allow literals in subject position. It is just that many many syntaxes
>> don't allow that to be expressed,
> It doesn't seem to be allowed in the RDF semantics:
> "A literal may be the object of an RDF statement, but not the subject
> or the predicate."

Yes, but a bnode or a URI can refer to a literal. So if those can refer to a literal,
then instead of writing

[1] _:n1 owl:sameAs "hello";
     numLetters 5 .

Why not also allow one to write

[2] "hello" numLetters 5.


That is what I meant. 

In any case one can always map [2] to [1], so I am not sure
the costs of allowing [2] need be that high. Every current implementation
could just parse [2] and write it out as [1].


It just seems that [2] is a more concise way of writing things, and
it is conceptually cleaner. 


Received on Thursday, 1 July 2010 16:45:53 UTC