RE: Semantic Web Tools and Java wrote:

> Why are so many of the mature tools and libraries for RDF, OWL, and
> Topic Maps built atop Java? I know Python has some great tools and the
> Redland libs are mature too, but they pale in comparison to the
> number of tools built using Java. 

It "just grew that way" I think. Sesame, for example, was developed in
Java simply because the company that builds it (Aduna) did all of its
software development in Java (platform independence was a big thing for
them at the time the project was started). 

Also, I think that projects like Sesame and Jena were started at a time
when for example Python was not quite as mature as it is today (though
I'm not sure about that, not being a Python expert). The Java platform
has long had excellent support for web application development.

> It also surprises me because the JVM is slow in comparison to compiled
> LISP (RDF expressed in S-Expressions?) and many other alternatives...

I know this gets bandied around a lot, but it's really a myth. Java is
at least comparable in performance to any modern compiled language. Of
course, _badly programmed_ Java is slow, but then, so is badly
programmed C or LISP.

> I've been a long time follower and partial implementer of the Semantic
> Web in my projects but this one point perplexes me (it's also because
> I'm not a Java programer).

De gustibus and all that :)

But these days there's a plethora of good tools (or even ports of tools)
to choose from, in a variety of languages. 


dr. J. Broekstra
Wageningen UR, Food & Biobased Research
Intelligent Systems group
P.O. Box 17, 6700 AA Wageningen
Wageningen Campus, Building 118, Bornse Weilanden 9, 6708 WG Wageningen
Tel. +31 (0)317 480145

Received on Saturday, 27 February 2010 13:13:44 UTC