Re: a list of companies active in the semantic technology area

At 11:58 22.12.2010, Paola Di Maio wrote:
>sounds like a good point to me,
>  academically, a desperate research question emerges:
>Why do semantic technologies vendors do not use RDF to describe 
>their info-data?

Excellent point.

>Assuming many of their representatives are on this list or within the
>reach of foaf networks, it should not be difficult to issue a polite
>suggestion (read: tall order?)
>materially it should be trivial, and by next week or early January we
>should be able to assemble Dieter's list via query output

Man against machine. I take the challenge!

>If however there are good reasons for these companies not to publish
>RDF, then these reasons should be compiled in a report and analysed in
>detail for clues pointing to >>rdf what's next

Good point again, however, I think the reason may be simple. Their 
potential customers
do not (yet?) find them through search on the semantic web.
Dieter Fensel
Director STI Innsbruck
University Innsbruck
phone: +43-512-507-6488/5
fax: +43-512-507-9872

Received on Wednesday, 22 December 2010 11:10:19 UTC