Playing with Pre-defined D2RQ specifications..


- When applying the script : generate-mapping *,* D2RQ starts to generate a
default mapping file, and it does allow users to provide additional labels,
comments, and properties after this ; and apparently it is also possible to
play with the whole mapping file.
I wanted to know whether it's possible to do changes on those rules that
generate the mapping file and customize them, in order to add more
specifications on how I would like the process of the mapping will be
executed | And to add for example such functions to the D2RQ vocabulary that
will be applied in execution-time to filter which data or property to choose
from the Database,  and so forth.. ?

- Next question is whether it is possible to use the D2RQ engine separately
of the D2R Server? Cause all I need in my case is to :  Use existing
"rules/criteria" that do the mappings which are  defined by the "D2RQ
language" | & to do some changes on it. Then execute it with help of the
D2RQ engine.

- Last: How D2RQ represent constraints that a database may contain?

(Note: I'm aware that I should have asked at D2RQ Mailing list, I did and
got no answer yet, hope someone explains me these questions here)

Kamler Hammez

Received on Wednesday, 8 December 2010 14:27:30 UTC