Scheduling First F2F of (Proposed) RDF WG

As we've mentioned a few times before [1][2][3], we're putting together
a new RDF Working Group to improve the core RDF design and specs (while
remaining backward compatible).  Although the group has not yet been
approved, we are looking ahead to the schedule for face-to-face meetings
in the event it is.  

The chairs have identified April 6-7, April 12-13, and April 13-14 as
good options for a first face-to-face meeting, somewhere in Europe or
North America.  If you expect you will be a participant in the group,
and any of these dates would make you unable to attend, please tell us
via (confidential) email to   Thanks!  

   -- Sandro Hawke (proposed W3C staff contact for RDF WG)


Received on Wednesday, 1 December 2010 15:21:05 UTC