Re: Processing RDF in XML/XSLT workflows

On Mon, 2010-04-26 at 17:14 -0400, Bob DuCharme wrote:
> Hi Johan,
>  >SPARQL result xml is not a full solution because it is limited to ASK 
> and SELECT queries.
> Can you give me some examples of a need to process RDF with XSLT where 
> the results of a SELECT query were inappropriate?
> thanks,
> Bob

Any CONSTRUCT template that dose not represent the actually triples in
the RDF store cannot be represented in a SPARQL 1.0 SELECT.

Here is a simplified example of a query that uses SPARQL CONSTRUCT. It
is similar to more complex queries we use with rdf+xml and XSLT. I will
also note here that the XSLT we use is filled with complicated
application logic. Any suggestions to move the domain reasoning to XSLT
would be unrealistic.

CONSTRUCT { ?s :friend ?friend; :acquaintance ?acquaintance }
WHERE { ?s foaf:knows ?friend; foaf:knows ?acquaintance .
?friend foaf:knows ?s
OPTIONAL { ?acquaintance ?knows ?s FILTER (?knows = foaf:knows)}
FILTER (!bound(?knows))

I would also be interested to see if this query could be represented in


Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2010 15:15:04 UTC