next steps

I believe there is going to be a face to face discussion on what
happens next to RDF etc.

I can't afford the travel, but I hope I can make certain points when
it comes to me addresses the SWIG (that is you).

Some of the things happening right now seem to be losing the good
bits. The ability to to blah about blah.

Things like Facebook have engaged  half the Western world. Twitter works too.

The RDF model is a nice easy one, and it can cover most things in my
life (not every weird little bit, obviously).

Do we have to throw that away for a bit?

People have been much more productive with other bits.

Maybe we should just kill RDF for 10 years. Return when the
correspondences have been noted.

Personally I think the stuff like Web of Data will happen anyway, it's
just a matter of how fast.



Received on Saturday, 10 April 2010 22:10:48 UTC