Re: how to consume linked data

Hey Danny,

On Friday 25 September 2009 22:51:37 Danny Ayers wrote:
> 2009/9/25 Juan Sequeda <>:
> > Linked Data is out there. Now it's time to develop smart (personalized)
> > software agents to consume the data and give it back to humans.
> I don't disagree, but I do think the necessary agents aren't smart,
> just stupid bots (aka Web services a la Fielding).

These "stupid bots" are able to discover and make use of data from a wide 
variety of sources on the Web. I'm still convinced this allows applications of 
an interesting novelty. And let's not forget, these applications enable users 
to retain full control over the authoritative source of data provided by them. 
This is a big step.

It is more a question of why so little of these applications came up yet. I 
agree with Kjetil here. Tools are missing that bring developers (who don't 
know all the technical details) on board. One possible approach to this is:

> > try also using SQUIN (
> Thanks, not seen before.

... which is a query service (currently still in pre-alpha) that is based on 
the functionality of the SemWeb Client Lib. An application simply sends a 
SPARQL query. This query is executed over the Web of Linked Data using the 
link traversal query execution approach as implemented in the SemWeb Client 
Lib. The result is returned to the app which may visualize or process it. 
Hence, the app developer does not need to bother with traversing RDF links, 
RDF/XML vs. RDFa, etc.

Another important issue in consuming LD is the filtering of data as you 
mention in your original question. Indeed, we need approaches of filtering 
automatically during the discovery of data. Unfortunately, for many filter 
criteria (e.g. reliability, timeliness, trustworthiness) we do not even now 
very well how we may filter automatically given we have the data.


Received on Saturday, 26 September 2009 10:09:35 UTC