Re: how to consume linked data

Dan Brickley wrote:
> This doc-typing idiom never got heavily used in FOAF, beyond the type
> PersonalProfileDocument, which FOAF defines. Mostly we just linked
> FOAF files together (initially with seeAlso and IFPs, lately using
> URIs more explicitly).
> I think there are many other reasons why characterising typical RDF
> document patterns makes sense, related to the frustration of dealing
> with documents when all you know is "they have triples in them". We
> don't have good mechanisms for doing so yet, ie. for characterising
> these higher level patterns. But various folk are heading in same
> direction, some using SPARQL, others OWL or XForms, or DC Application
> Profile definitions....
> Without some hints about what we're pointing at with our links,
> crawlers don't have much to go on. Merely knowing that the information
> at the other end of the link is "more RDF", or that it describes a
> thing of a certain type, might not be enough. There are a lot of
> things you might want to know about a person, or a place, and at many
> different levels of detail. For apps eg running in a mobile/handheld
> environment, they can't afford to speculatively download everything..

Interesting...  I'm doing work at the moment with CIDOC-CRM 
( and its expression in OWL 
  Something I've noticed is that the extension/refinement mechanism provided by 
CIDOC-CRM is based on  what they call Types (though I think it's more like 
skos:Concept), so that the core properties tend be be very predictable.  There 
are some areas where I've used new properties to capture finer-grained 
information, but they tend to be at the margins (e.g. putting numeric values on 
date-ranges) rather than in the core (e.g. this object was made in this time 

Maybe there's scope for using SKOS in a doc-typing idiom?


Received on Friday, 25 September 2009 07:02:06 UTC