Re: Linked Data Mash-a-thon

On Sep 16, 2009, at 11:48 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

> Juan Sequeda wrote:
>> The objective of this idea is to show that cool things can be done  
>> with Linked Data, and lets take advantage that the semantic web  
>> hackers are all together at the same place.
> Objective was clear, my gripe was the regressive theme of data  
> mashing.
>> In other words, lets rephrase this: a Linked Data Hack-a-thon
> Why Hack when you can Mesh?
> Hacking is overrated, overloaded, and easily miscontrued,  
> seriously :-)

Kingsley, I find it rather ironic that someone whose cryptic, buzzword- 
overloaded, often unparsable messages here, on his blog and on twitter  
would complain about misconstrued terms or less-than-crystal-clear  

If Juan wants to call it a Mashup, Hack-a-thon, or whatever...who cares?

> Do Data Architects, Systems Designers, Data Integrators, and people  
> with other data oriented technical skill sets not have a look-in  
> here? I don't think these profiles gravitate to events that carry  
> the  "Hacking" theme.

Hell yeah, "hacking" is great term to use. Don't be such a stick in  
the mud. ;)

> Kingsley
>> Juan Sequeda, Ph.D Student
>> Dept. of Computer Sciences
>> The University of Texas at Austin
>> <>
>> <>
>> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:20 AM, Kingsley Idehen < 
>>  <>> wrote:
>>    Juan Sequeda wrote:
>>        Hi everybody,
>>        Chatting with John Goodwin, and idea came up of organizing a
>>        Linked Data mash-a-thon during ISWC. There is a lot of Linked
>>        Data out there, enough tools to do cool stuff, and this is the
>>        biggest semantic web meeting, so why not show the world the
>>        cool things that can be done with Linked Data, in a short
>>        period of time. I haven't thought about details, but this
>>        could run for the whole conference, or have an afternoon
>>        session where everybody comes in and codes up an mashup. We
>>        can then showcase what we have done as 1 min lightning talks.
>>        My objective is to get people out of this community excited
>>        about Linked Data and what they can do with it.
>>        Anybody interested in participating and/or helping organize.
>>        Juan Sequeda, Ph.D Student
>>        Dept. of Computer Sciences
>>        The University of Texas at Austin
>> <>
>>        <>
>> <>
>>        <>
>>    Why Mash-a-thon when Linked Data is ultimately about Data Meshing?
>>    Words matter a great deal when introducing critical stages of
>>    evolution witning any innovation continuum (which includes the
>>    Web), really.
>>    You don't need Linked Data for Mashups. The literal realm of Web
>>    2.0 technologies handle that fine.
>>    Linked Data is supposed to be about addressing those things aren't
>>    handled by Mashups -- which are simply about brute force
>>    presentation layer confined data recombinations, with code at the
>>    terminal.
>>    I would only be interested in a Linked Data oriented Mesh-a- 
>> thon :-)
>>    --
>>    Regards,
>>    Kingsley Idehen       Weblog:
>>    <>
>>    President & CEO OpenLink Software     Web:
> -- 
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen	      Weblog:
> President & CEO OpenLink Software     Web:

Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 19:57:58 UTC