Linked Data Mash-a-thon

Hi everybody,

Chatting with John Goodwin, and idea came up of organizing a Linked Data
mash-a-thon during ISWC. There is a lot of Linked Data out there, enough
tools to do cool stuff, and this is the biggest semantic web meeting, so why
not show the world the cool things that can be done with Linked Data, in a
short period of time. I haven't thought about details, but this could run
for the whole conference, or have an afternoon session where everybody comes
in and codes up an mashup. We can then showcase what we have done as 1 min
lightning talks. My objective is to get people out of this community excited
about Linked Data and what they can do with it.

Anybody interested in participating and/or helping organize.

Juan Sequeda, Ph.D Student
Dept. of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin

Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 14:50:25 UTC