Re: Asserting subclasses of open ranges or domains

Thanks Pat to jump in this

> We could as well define a tautological class dcterms:Topic as the range of
> dcterms:Subject, and assert only subclasses.
> Is that clearer?
> What is not clear is why you want to do this. Even in the case of the
> domestic appliances, if you do not put any necessary conditions on this
> class, you have effectively said nothing.

OK. I'm certainly dumb, but in what is this different, say, from the
definition of the class foaf:Agent at
This class has no superclass, hence no necessary condition. Right?
It has two declared subclasses foaf:Person and foaf:Organisation. Those
provide sufficient conditions, hence nothing if I understand well.
foaf:Agent the domain and range of some properties, but this again provides
also sufficient conditions. Right?

Would you say that foaf:Agent is not defined and even useless, since it has
no necessary condition?

The same for many top classes in many ontologies. No?

Thanks for clarifying this.

> It is tricky to appeal to intuition in cases like this, because of course
> we all know that there are things that are not domestic appliances, and we
> tend to use this knowledge without being told that we have to. But our
> ontologies only know stuff like this if we somehow tell them it explicitly.

Indeed. Nobody argues on that :))


Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Vocabulary & Data Engineering
Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France

Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2009 16:00:43 UTC