Re: [ANN] 4store version 1.0.0

> Garlik is pleased to announce the release of 4store version 1.0.0.
> For more information see

Congratulations!   It looks like a really nice bit of work.

I haven't really followed the state of the art in quad-store
benchmarking.  The ESW page isn't totally stale, but it's not that fresh
either [1].  Do you have any figures that are worth sharing?

I'm particularly interested in small & fast queries, for little web
apps.  My intuition is that something based on SQLite would be faster
for the small stuff, since there's no need for IPC.  But, of course,
intuition on such things isn't good for much more than coming up with
good questions to ask.

    -- Sandro


Received on Sunday, 18 October 2009 04:08:31 UTC