Re: Compiling information from several different triplestores

Thanks for the detailed answer!

However, I am not supposed to know in advance that triplestore1
contains hasFriend, and triplestore2 contains sameAs, it could be the
other way, or even two sameAs over 3 triplestores. I would be really
glad if there were a more general mechanism.

My dream is:

1) I configure my "sparqldream" software to use dbpedia, freebase, and
various big and frequently updated triplestores.
2) I run any SPARQL query on sparqldream.
3) sparqldream does whatever it needs to, and returns the result of my
query, based on the most up-to-date information found in the
configured triplestores, as if I had instantly copied all of them into
a single local triplestore.

Does any such software exist?
Or anything a bit similar?

Thanks a lot !
Nicolas Raoul

Received on Tuesday, 5 May 2009 13:28:19 UTC