Re: Research Trends

If you really mean that your M.Phil is about philosophy, I would hope 
that you can read my manuscript at IR-KR 2009 titled "Is the Web a Web 
of Document or Things?".  The issue will ask you to ponder all those 
philosophical questions, such as what is meaning, what is reference, and 
what is information, that many of those philosophers have debated for 
quite sometime.  You can download a PDF file from

The philosophy, if any, that is behind the current AWWW stands on a very 
shaky ground. They would like you to believe that the Web is anchored on 
a web of documents but they can never ground the term "information 
resource", a.k.a. document onto a solid ontological ground.  
Unfortunately, they don't care to argue and instead they try to not 
allow you to argue (I have my reasoning, which I might disclose at some 
appropriate time).  If you can use your philosophy background to mount a 
serious argument against my position -- that is, the Web is a web of 
things just as any other information systems, I believe W3C would be 
really pleased.


Champika Manel wrote:
> I am interested in doing a research related to semantic web for my 
> M.Phil. But still I do not have a sufficient idea about research 
> trends/topics in this area. Can anybody help me to find the current 
> research trends/topics in this area?
> Champika

Received on Tuesday, 21 July 2009 04:07:07 UTC