Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Raptor RDF Parser Library 1.4.19


On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:29:15AM +0200, Dan Brickley wrote:
> Intriguing. Can you post more about this sometime? eg. plans for Redland  
> and Rasqal changes too? Where are things heading?

The other day I was looking for a library available from Python that
would parse SPARQL and return an AST (we are working on supporting
sparql in CubicWeb). I gave a look at Rasqal but it did not appear to
be able to provide that feature. Was my understanding correct ?

An example of what I am looking for::

  from somelib import parse
  tree = parse(sparql_query_string)
  # do something with the tree

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique scientifique et gestion de connaissances  

Received on Monday, 20 July 2009 10:04:47 UTC