[CSE-conferences] Call For Book Chapters: Web Services& P2P & Autonmous AgentsFriday, January 16, 2009 4:37 AM

         Call For Book Chapters
                                Developing Advanced Web Services through
                         P2P Computing and Autonomous Agents: Trends and Innovation

                  Volume(s) Editors: Khaled Ragab, Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Tarek Helmy

                                             To be published by IG-Global
            Chapter proposal due date: Feb. 15, 2009,
           Full Chapter due date: April 5, 2009

1. Book Objectives 
In recent years the development of distributed systems especially the Internet has been
influenced heavily by three paradigms: Peer-to-Peer (P2P), Autonomous Agents and Service Orientation. P2P is a class of applications that takes advantage of resources e.g. storage, cycles, content, human presence, available at the edges of the Internet. Moreover, the P2P and Autonomous Agents technologies enable peers to modify the way to achieve their objectives. They address the needs for autonomous agents to support self-organization of highly autonomous peers, load balancing, routing, service discovery,  etc. The benefit of service-oriented architectures (SOA) is their support of loose coupling of software
components, i.e. providing a high degree of interoperability and reuse. Web Services (WSs) are an example of a (SOA) that include three main entities: Consumers, Providers, and Registers of services. 
These entities work in concert to provide a loosely coupled computing paradigm. Web Services (WSs)  are self-contained, loosely coupled application modules with well described functionality that can be  published, located and invoked across the web. The growing number of WS lunched in the web raises new  challenges, such as discovery of WS . 
The objective of this books is seeks to develop and an understanding of Autonomous P2P Web Service  models and developments. Moreover, it extends the growing literature on the emerging technologies for  Autonomous Agents, P2P Computing and Web Services. The contributor of this book may contribute to one  or more of the following topics or related of Autonomous Agents, P2P Computing and Web Services.  Contributions of research merging these topics are particularly encouraged. 
2. Topics 

This book includes several chapters related with the following areas: Peer-to-Peer,Autonomous Agents 
and Web Services. Topics to be addresses include (but are not limited to):
• Autonomous agents and query languages for P2P systems 
• Data placement and query answering in P2P systems 
• Transaction management for P2P systems 
• Autonomous peers and semantic Web 
• Self-organization and emergent behavior in P2P systems 
• P2P information retrieval architectures 
• Resource allocation in P2P systems 
• Scalability, coordination, robustness and adaptability in P2P system 
• Autonomic Services in P2P systems 
• Overlay Networks and Application Level Multicast 
• P2P Grid Computing 
• Services composition in P2P Web services networks 
• Data placement and query answering in P2P systems 
• Transaction management for P2P Web services 
• Autonomous peers and semantic Web 
• Self-organization and emergent behavior in P2P systems 
• Resource allocation in P2P systems and Web services 
• Scalability, coordination, robustness and adaptability in P2P and Web services 
• Autonomic Web Services in P2P systems 
3. Improtant Dates
Deadline for chapter proposal                                                    Feb.  15, 2009
Notification of acceptance/rejection of chapter proposal               Feb.  25, 2009
Deadline for chapter submission                                                April 5,  2009  
Notification of acceptance/rejection of chapters                          May   6,  2009  
Publication of book                                                                  Second half of 2009  
4. Submission Guidelines 
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before February 15, 2009, a 1-2 page manuscript proposal (Word) clearly explaining the mission and concerns of the proposed chapter.  Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by February 25, 2009 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter organizational guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by April 5, 2009. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. The book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global, http://www.igiglobal.com, publisher of the Information Science Reference 
(formerly Idea Group Reference).  Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded by e-mail to any of the book editors (indicate subject: 
WSP2PAA) at: 
5. Volume Editors 
   Khaled Ragab (Main Contact) King Faisal University 
   College of Computer Science and Information Technology 
   P.O. Box 400,  Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia Tel.: +966035887082 
   URL: http://web.yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~ragab/ 
 Aboul-Ella Hassanien                                              Tarek Helmy 
 Kuwait University                                    King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals 
 College of Business Administration,         Information and Computer Science Department 
 Quantitative Methods and IS Department     P.O. Box 413, Dahran 31261, Saudi Arabia 
 P.O. Box 5486 Safat, 13055                              Tel: +966-050 
 Kuwait                                                         Email: helmy@kfupm.edu.sa
 Tel:  +965-4839364        
 Email: Abo@cba.edu.kw 
 URL:  http://www.cba.edu.kw/abo              URL: http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/ICS/helmy/ 


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