Toby A Inkster wrote:
> The current parsing algorithm is not very efficient though, nor
> especially tidy. I plan on writing a replacement algorithm which will
> instead interleave RDF-EASE steps inside the RDFa algorithm. This would
> reduce the number of passes over the DOM tree.

I think that the files we are talking about are small enough that I
would not really worry about the efficiency issue of passing over the
DOM tree several times. My RDFa distiller has a model whereby
preprocessors can be plugged in easily; preprocessors that modify the
DOM tree before the core RDFa processing switches in. It works well for

I must admit that I am probably influenced by that model but I am not
sure it is worth or even advantageous to define an algorithm that mixes
the RDF EASE steps with the RDFa algorithm. God only knows how many
iteration the RDFa group had to go through to get that part of the
design bullet proof (hopefully it is bullet proof now:-) so I would keep
away from changing it... In other words, I think your initial instinct
of defining EASE as a preprocessor that produces pure RDFa is the righ
one (at least in my view...)

(This is also why I am still worried by the differences from CSS in
syntax and even in the cascade. The closer the design is to the CSS
model, the easier it is to define such a preprocessor with off-the-shelf

> There is, by the way, a mostly working partial implementation here:
> This does RDF-EASE to RDFa, but doesn't go as far as producing an
> RDF/XML file from the RDFa.

Well, there are several RDFa converters on the Web with a web address.
You can just combine it with one of those:-)




Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153
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Received on Friday, 2 January 2009 09:47:36 UTC