Re: SPARQL performance for ORDER BY on large datasets

Hi Bernhard,

yes. That would be an option... or putting all in a RDBMS and use  
Virtuoso RDF views or D2R. But I think it's too long-winded having to  
control some RDBMS-like schema if you're working with native RDF data.  
I would expect a more RDF-centric way where I can define indexes on  
subsets of triples, e.g. grouped by properties, etc. Would this be  
possible to implement for, let's say, Jena/TDB?


On Aug 27, 2009, at 9:32 AM, Bernhard Schandl wrote:

> Hi,
>> I'm wondering for some time already if there is any triple store  
>> that allows to define custom indexes on special predicates or  
>> subsets of the whole set of triples/quads? All the existing stores  
>> I know index over all triples in different combinations (spo,  
>> pso, ...). Is there any research going on towards partial indexes  
>> over user-defined subsets of triples? E.g. an index over all  
>> xsd:dateTime literals.
> some time ago I was looking for triple stores that allow to  
> customize the database schema, e.g., that allow me to specify  
> something like "I want all foaf:Person resources together with their  
> foaf:firstName and foaf:surname stored in a designated (optimized)  
> table." If you are aware of any triple store aware of that  
> functionality I would be happy to know.
> Best, Bernhard
Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Andreas Langegger
FAW - Institute for Application-oriented Knowledge Processing
Johannes Kepler University Linz
A-4040 Linz, Altenberger Straße 69

Received on Thursday, 27 August 2009 09:04:57 UTC