Re: ontology of (open source) licenses?

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 3:54 AM, John
Graybeal<> wrote:
> Thanks all for your responses.  It is interesting that I misled some people
> into thinking I wanted a list of properties/schema for describing open
> source licenses, rather than the list of licenses itself. (Sorry about
> that!)
> (doap is very nice, by the way, as was the cc schema.)  I'm particularly
> looking for the list of URIs to satisfy the doap property (with open source
> licenses only, of course)
>   <rdf:Property rdf:about="">

You might also try probing some of the Semantic Web search engines, to
find stats on the triples using the doap:license property.**&qt=advanced

...for a start, although maybe they've a better view of the data. So
adding Gio into the Cc: here.

Is there a way to use Sindice to ask it, about some property, for a
list of the most common values it takes? for properties typically used
with a relatively limited number of URIs, this could be quite handy...



Received on Wednesday, 26 August 2009 14:41:33 UTC