Survey of Java SPARQL endpoint query API


I'm trying to get a survey of existing client side tools in Java for  
interacting with SPARQL endpoints.  I realize that at a most basic  
level all one needs to start with is an Http Client like Apache  
Commons HttpClient or the Java HTTPURLConnection.  But, I'm looking  
more for clients that act more like JDBC, allowing for the creation  
of prepared queries and iteration of response results as "records"  
and possibly "paging" capabilities through result-sets.

An important aspect I am seeking in such a library is that it be free  
of underlying dependencies on any specific underlying triple-store  
implementation behind that SPARQL endpoint.  Though, one might be  
used to accomplish caching/inference on the existing result-set. Its  
important that be a separate set of functionality from the query  
capabilities themselves.

Mark Diggory

Mark R. Diggory - DSpace Developer and Systems Manager
MIT Libraries, Systems and Technology Services
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Received on Sunday, 21 September 2008 16:15:54 UTC