Re: SPARQL Security - Best Practices?

> I have been thinking about this recently, although my conclusion has so far been to make up a special graph with a known URI which provides a set of statements giving group and user level access to particular graph URI's. I don't think it is efficient to provide a graph matching algorithm with statement level privacy controls, although it would be interesting to see what the performance hit would be for integrated graph level privacy controls.

none, in a VFS-backed store where each triple is a file - it has to check permissions anyways when the db/webserver read it

you web users/groups have corresponding OS counterparts. you can always use a chroot with its own /etc/passwd.

ive used Resource level in the past, with unix style permissions as triples on the subject URI. but the more the OS can do the merrier, imo

Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2008 04:34:45 UTC