there will always be people overly optimistic and overly pessimistic about
anything in the world so i wont take the case with case with SW as an
exception. On the otherhand we shouldn't an option just because it there
doesn't seems anyone asking for it. When Faraday found a way to create
electircty he thought that was a useful invention since nobody uses or is
asking for electicity. I don't see _everyone_ to be using RDFs but this can
be used to solve many problems that no other technology can boast of. This
is especially true since more and more data is coming to web and we need a
better way to analyse/search/present that data to the end users looking for
But coming to the main point, i don't see why semantic web as envisioned by
its main proponents shouldn't work. I am not saying that first attempt at it
will be last one but an honest attempt is much better than some untested
opinions :).
What we need is
a) a NLP system (similar to the one in that converts the
data on the web to its semantic form(rdf/owl etc) for much broader set of
b) a store for this data from a)
c) a reasoner for data stored in b)
As I see it a) is the hardest part and ignoring performance/scalability
issues, b) and c) already exists. Its the lack of a) that is keeping them
from achieving anything great with semantic web.