Deadline Extension: W3C Future of Social Networking Workshop

There's been a number of inquiries about extending the deadline for the W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking, which will explore the future of standards in social networking Jan 15-16th in Barcelona [1]. Submissions on the Social Semantic Web are of course welcome.

The organizers have agreed on granting an  extension until December 3rd for papers to the W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking. However, to make it possible to set up the workshop properly, we're asking that those that would like to benefit from that opportunity send an expression of interest to before Monday November 24 stating:
     * they plan to send a position paper (and by when)
     * the number of participants they would like to have at the
     * whether or not they wish to make a presentation during the


Received on Thursday, 20 November 2008 14:45:27 UTC