- From: Azamat <abdoul@cytanet.com.cy>
- Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 19:14:30 +0300
- To: "'SW-forum'" <semantic-web@w3.org>
- Cc: "Li Ding" <dingl@cs.rpi.edu>
- Message-ID: <001401c8b05d$6e033450$010aa8c0@homepc>
This abnormaly hyperactive guy seems make most of the sw traffic. Wonder is any way to filter li dong. ----- Original Message ----- From: Li Ding To: www-rdf-interest@w3.org ; seweb-list@cs.vu.nl ; sw-announce@semanticplanet.com ; ontoweb-list@lists.deri.org ; seweb-list@www2-c703.uibk.ac.at ; seweb-list@lists.deri.org ; ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org ; cg@cs.uah.edu ; acl@opus.cs.columbia.edu ; bull_i3@univ-tln.fr ; ontoweb-language-sig@cs.man.ac.uk ; semantic-web@w3.org ; www-webont-wg@w3.org ; www-rdf-logic@w3.org ; public-sws-ig@w3.org ; www-rdf-rules@w3.org ; public-owl-dev@w3.org ; semanticweb@yahoogroups.com ; jena-dev@yahoogroups.com ; dl@dl.kr.org ; ontolog-forum@ontolog.cim3.net ; ontology@buffalo.edu ; www-ws@w3.org ; topicmapmail@infoloom.com ; event@in.tu-clausthal.de ; agents@cs.umbc.edu ; diglib@infoserv.inist.fr ; aiia@dis.uniroma1.it ; wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de ; dai-list@ece.sc.edu ; protege-discussion@smi.stanford.edu ; kweb-all@lists.deri.org ; rewerse-all@rewerse.net ; sioc-dev@googlegroups.com ; semantic_web@googlegroups.com Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 4:45 PM Subject: [semanticweb] ISWC 2008 deadlines this week and next Deadlines for submitting papers, doctoral consortium applications and tutorial proposals for the 7th International Semantic Web Conference are fast approaching. Note that titles and abstracts for research papers should be registered by this Friday, May 9. Key upcoming dates are: * Research papers: due May 9 (abstract) & 16 (paper) * Semantic Web in Use papers: due May 16 * Tutorial proposals: due May 16 * Doctoral Consortium applications: due May 16 * Posters & Demo proposals: due July 25 * Workshops papers (13 workshops): mid-summer * Semantic Web & Billion Triples challenge: Oct 1 * ISWC 2008, Karlie's, DE: 26-30 October See http://iswc2008.semanticweb.org/ for CFPs and other details. Inquires about specific tracks should be sent to the appropriate chairs. Send general questions and suggestions for panel topics, invited speakers, birds of a feather meetings, etc. to ISWC08@GMAIL.COM. __._,_.___ Messages in this topic (1) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic Messages | Files | Photos | Links | Database | Polls | Members | Calendar Change settings via the Web (Yahoo! ID required) Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest | Switch format to Traditional Visit Your Group | Yahoo! Groups Terms of Use | Unsubscribe Recent Activity a.. 3New Members Visit Your Group Yahoo! Groups Join people over 40 who are finding ways to stay in shape. Moderator Central An online resource for moderators of Yahoo! Groups. Do-It-Yourselfers Find Y! Groups on Lawn & garden, homes and autos. . __,_._,___
Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2008 16:15:24 UTC