Fwd: Workshop on Provenance in Databases - 21 May, 2008]

Provenance in Databases Symposium
21 May, 2008 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
e-Science Institute, 15 South College Street, Edinburgh

This would seem like a good event to have some rdf/sparql/semweb people 
at. I'm not entirely sure what's up re dates; the wiki says 19-23rd but 
the web page says only May 21st, and sounds more authoritative.

"This meeting is intended for researchers involved in databases, data 
curation, and other activities in which provenance is important."

Not sure I can make that trip, but it does seem a good group to connect 
with, given the work that's going into making 
http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/#restrictInQuery a reality...

If anyone does manage to attend, do please send a quick trip report to 
the W3C lists!




Forwarded message 1

  • From: Giaretta, DL (David) <D.L.Giaretta@RL.AC.UK>
  • Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 09:02:13 +0100
  • Subject: [CASPAR] FW: [dcc-research] Workshop on Provenance in Databases - 21 May, 2008
  • Message-ID: <EB1E7CB92F5B35459E0B926D2A614DB601E586A1@EXCHANGE19.fed.cclrc.ac.uk>
This may be of interest to those working on Provenance.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-dcc-research@lists.ed.ac.uk
[mailto:owner-dcc-research@lists.ed.ac.uk] On Behalf Of James Cheney
Sent: 05 May 2008 16:58
To: seminars@inf.ed.ac.uk; scotland-db@inf.ed.ac.uk;
lfcs-interest@inf.ed.ac.uk; dcc-research@lists.ed.ac.uk
Subject: [dcc-research] Workshop on Provenance in Databases - 21 May,

|  Workshop on Principles of Provenance in Databases  |
|  May 21, 2008                                       |
|  http://wiki.esi.ac.uk/ProvenanceInDatabases        |
|  e-Science Institute                                |
|  15 South College Street, Edinburgh                 |

A one-day workshop on Principles of Provenance in Databases will be held
on May 21, 2008, at the e-Science Institute, 15 South College Street,
Edinburgh.  To attend, please register at:


Provenance, or information about the source, authorship, derivation or
modification history, or influences upon data, has been studied in
database settings for almost 20 years, and a number of techniques for
supporting provenance in database queries, views, and updates have been
proposed; however, a consensus about many foundational aspects of
provenance in databases has yet to emerge. This includes key questions
such as:

    * what kinds of provenance are there, and how are they related?
    * what distinguishes provenance from other forms of metadata?
    * what problems do various techniques address, and how can we
evaluate their success in doing so?
    * how is database provenance related to other forms of provenance
in, for example, scientific workflows?

These questions are especially important because of the growing need for
provenance in "curated" scientific databases, including biomedical and
astronomical databases.

This workshop will feature lectures from computer scientists involved in
leading research on provenance and databases and from working scientists
involved in scientific data curation.  The invited speakers include:

    * Bob Mann (University of Edinburgh)
      Data provenance in astronomy 

    * Donald Dunbar (University of Edinburgh)
      Data provenance in biomedical discovery 

    * Natalia Kwasnikowska (University of Hasselt, Belgium)
      A formal model for dataflows, runs of dataflows, and 
      provenance within runs

    * Dirk van Gucht (Indiana University)
      Reflection: A Tool to Model and Reason about Provenance Databases

    * Val Tannen (University of Pennsylvania), TBA

    * TJ Green (University of Pennsylvania), TBA

    * Stijn Vansummeren (University of Hasselt, Belgium), TBA

Registration is required; however, there is no registration fee.  

To register, visit:


Further details of the workshop will be provided as they become
available, at:


This event is part of an eSI Thematic Programme on Principles of
Provenance, which began in April 2008 and will continue until March
2009.  Further information about the Theme can be found at:


Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2008 11:22:47 UTC