Re: Semantic Technology in Enterprise Computing

Any chance of getting these in MP4 or non-WMV for us non-Windows types in
the future?
Regards, etc..

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Tony Shaw <>

> Dave McComb (author of the book, Semantics in Business Systems) ran a
> webcast last week focused on semantics in enterprise computing.  The archive
> version is viewable here, for free:
> As the title suggests, the focus is enterprise computing rather than the
> semantic web, and from a technical standpoint it's very basic. However it
> should be useful if you're looking for a resource to help business people
> and corporate IT folks to understand semantic technology.  Or indeed, if
> you're a semweb developer looking for some insight into corporate computing
> issues.
> --
David Janes
Founder, BlogMatrix

Received on Sunday, 4 May 2008 23:44:04 UTC