Re: ConNegging on Description Pages (was RE: Southampton Pub data as linked open data)


Again: The TAG disagrees.

Content negotiation is for selecting between different variants of a  
*single* resource. It's not for redirecting you all over the place.


On 30 Jul 2008, at 15:31, Ted Thibodeau Jr wrote:

> Hi, Tom --
> * Tom Heath [7/30/08 9:19 AM +0100] wrote:
>> If I've understood you correctly, you're suggesting that the HTML
>> document about a pub should 303 to the RDF/XML document about the
>> pub if RDF/XML is requested, and vice versa. (please correct me
>> if I've misunderstood)
> The above is correct -- if I ask for RDF/XML and the server cannot
> provide that but *can* provide HTML, it should redirect me (303) to
> the HTML (which I may decide I don't want to retrieve!).  If I ask
> for HTML and the server cannot provide that but *can* provide RDF
> (whether RDF/XML or Turtle/N3 or ...), it should likewise redirect
> (303) to that alternative (which, again, I may not pursue).
> I should never get a `200 OK` delivering a document format not in
> my Accept: header.  This really applies whether or not you, as the
> page author, have control over the web server.  If it cannot provide
> the content form requested by a client, the server should *always*
> say so, offering whatever other form(s) it might know about as
> alternatives via 303.
> (And of course, the information in all 303-associated formats should
> be the same, though it be presented differently.)
>> Is conneging on description pages desirable? i.e. if I request
>> in my regular browser (e.g. vanilla Firefox), should I be
>> redirected to ?
> Yes!  Because *Firefox* wants HTML.
> Firefox doesn't generically know how to handle application/rdf+xml,
> nor application/x-turtle, nor application/turtle, and really only
> pretends it knows how to handle text/rdf+n3...
> It's important to use the right tool for the job.  I can't very
> well drive screws with a hammer, nor nails with a screwdriver.
> Similarly, an RDF browser doesn't do well on HTML; an HTML browser
> doesn't do well on RDF.
>> I don't think so, for the simple reason that I might be a developer
>> wishing to study/debug the RDF.
> If I'm a developer wishing to study/debug the RDF, I should use
> a tool which explicitly requests the RDF serialization(s) I want
> to study -- which might be Turtle/N3, or RDF/XML, or... -- or
> at least indicates Accept: *.
> (Note -- this tool *might* be an *extended* Firefox, which *might*
> be able to handle RDF/XML, in which case that should be included
> in the Accept: header issued for relevant requests.  You specified
> vanilla Firefox in your example, so that's what I pursued.)
> Be seeing you,
> Ted
> -- 
> A: Yes.             
> attribution.html
> | Q: Are you sure?
> | | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> | | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
> Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900  
> x32
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> OpenLink Software, Inc.      //              http:// 
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>    Universal Data Access and Virtual Database Technology Providers

Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2008 14:57:37 UTC