Re: About computer-optimized RDF format.

Just for contrast, here's how propositions are stored into
and retrieved from an mKE knowledge base.

For purposes of this example, assume that the KB hierarchy is
    begin hierarchy example;
    /  person;
    /  attribute;
    /  proposition;
    end hierarchy example;
and the propositions are
    John Doe has email =, phone = 209-555-1212;
    Jane Doe has email =, phone = 209-555-1212;

The info. from these two propositions is "filed" in the hierarchy,
which is implemented using Unicon tables and double-linked lists.

1. The two propositions are "filed" under proposition,
and can be retrieved using the question: ? isu proposition;
2. John Doe and Jane Doe are "filed" under person,
and can be retrieved using: ? isu person.
3. email and phone are "filed" under attribute,
and can be retrieved using: ? iss attribute.
4. and are "filed" under 
and can be retrieved using: ? isu email.
5. 209-555-1212 is "filed" under phone,
and can be retrieved using: ? isu phone;
6. email = and phone = 209-555-1212
are "filed" in the attribute table of John Doe,
 and can be retrieved using: John Doe has ?;
7. email = and phone = 209-555-1212
are "filed" in the attribute table of Jane Doe,
and can be retrieved using: Jane Doe has ?;

Lots of other queries are possible, including
existent isc* ?;   # prints whole hierarchy, including instances
? has email;  # prints all people who have emails, with their emails
John Doe has email = ?;  # prints John Doe's email
? has email =;  # prints Jane Doe
? has ?;  # prints all concepts which have attributes, with their attributes


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bijan Parsia" <>
To: "Damian Steer" <>
Cc: "Olivier Rossel" <>; "Semantic Web" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: About computer-optimized RDF format.

> Hi Damain.
> On 23 Jul 2008, at 20:13, Damian Steer wrote:
> [snip]
>> For large numbers of triples, in my limited experience, the things  that 
>> affect RDF load speed
> Ooo, I got a bit side tracked by the parsing bit.
>> are:
>> The speed of your disk.
>> The size of your memory.
>> Building indexes.
>> Duplicate suppression (triple, node, whatever).
>> BNode handling.
>> IRI and datatype checks (if you do them).
>> Parsing.
>> Now parsing is a factor, but it's fairly minor compared with the  basic 
>> business of storing the triples.
> Indeed.
>> Stores would probably get more benefit from simple processing 
>> instructions like 'this contains no dupes' and 'my bnode ids are 
>> globally unique'.
> SWI Prolog had, IIRC, a mode to dump its internal structures so you  would 
> avoid all that overhead (kinda like an image in Smalltalk or  lisp). 
> Obviously databases do this as well.
> Hard to see that a common format would makea  *ton* of sense. I guess  you 
> could suppress dups, reconcile bnodes, and a few other things.  Indexes? I 
> don't think so. That seems entirely proprietary and  appropriately so.
> Cheers,
> Bijan "Binary XML 4 Ever!" Parsia.
Dick McCullough
Ayn Rand do speak od mKR done;
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;
mKE do enhance od "Real Intelligence" done;

Received on Thursday, 24 July 2008 00:11:02 UTC