Re: How do you deprecate URIs? Re: OWL-DL and linked data

On Jul 9, 2008, at 8:33 PM, Booth, David (HP Software - Boston) wrote:

>> From:  Bijan Parsia
>> [ . . . ]
>> 1) sameAs tends to merge annotations and similar meta data, because
>> it's extensional.
>> E.g., If I say someTerm dc:creator "Bijan" and someone else
>> someOtherTerm dc:creator "BoogerHead Jones", and then we say that
>> someTerm sameAs someOtherTerm, we've (semantically) lost the
>> distinguish between who created what.
> As described, that example looks to me more like an illustration of  
> the misuse of dc:creator than of owl:sameAs.   If :someTerm and  
> someOtherTerm really denote the same thing, and then according to  
> my reading of owl:sameAs semantics,
>     someTerm dc:creator "Bijan" .
> means *exactly* the same thing as
>     someOtherTerm dc:creator "Bijan" .
> so I don't see any inappropriate loss of information.  Am I missing  
> something?

I don't know how you determine which is the "real" mistake.  
Typically, people mean that to be an annotation (e.g., myClass  
dc:creator "Bijan"). You can argue that the annotation system is  
broken (I've done that), but that really just pushes things around.


Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2008 20:27:52 UTC