Re: How do you deprecate URIs? Re: OWL-DL and linked data

> In general, I would encourage people to work on developing a more
> sophisticated alignment vocabulary.

At the moment the only such vocabulary that is on the way towards (at least 
potential) widespread acceptance is the mapping vocabulary of SKOS [1]. 
Maybe this vocabulary could become of importance for the LOD community when 
it turns out that the quality of the owl:sameAs links between datasets is 
too questionable, and that rdfs:seeAlso is too loose?
Of course, the domain and range of these properties as defined in the SKOS 
core schema are restricted to skos:Concept at the moment, which discourages 
use of these properties for other entities. On the other hand, I already 
observed in some other projects that useful RDF properties from SKOS (such 
as skos:prefLabel) are also used for entities other than skos:Concepts... 
probably not an elegant solution, but at least something to keep in mind.

In the case of classes and properties: what is wrong with 
owl:equivalentClass and owl:equivalentProperty for gluing together the LOD 
cloud? They don't 'smush' entities together as owl:sameAs does, but the 
recent discussion gives the impression that this (meaning: less aggressive 
'smushing' of resources) might actually be a positive behaviour.


Matthias Samwald
Semantic Web Company, Austria // DERI Galway, Ireland 

Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2008 10:15:19 UTC