RE: How do you deprecate URIs? Re: OWL-DL and linked data

Regarding use of owl:sameAs . . .

> From: Martin Hepp
> [ . . . ]
> 3. For practical impact, we must (and do so every day outside
> the SW box) adopt stronger statements of equivalence, such
> that may not hold universally, but are appropriate for our
> context of usage and purpose. So we assume things to be more
> similar than they actually are (btw, this is the core
> principle of classification).


To quote from slides 15-18 of
(or PDF: )
        * Creates value
          - Permits data to be merged.  Good!
        * Also creates problems when combining data
        * Contradiction does not mean that the data is wrong!
          - Models may be okay for one context, but inadequate for another
          - E.g., modeling the earth as flat is good enough for driving directions
        * This problem will never go away!
          - Avoid it when possible
          - But be prepared when it happens
  . . .
        * Ambiguity is undesirable but unavoidable
          - An identity that was good enough for one app may be
            insufficiently precise for another
                * Pat Hayes the physical body?
                * At what point in time?
                * Pat Hayes the legal entity?
        * Uses of owl:sameAs would be vanishingly few if limited to
          cases of identical URI definitions
        * owl:sameAs can be viewed as an expression of belief: for
          this app/context, these two URIs denote the same resource.

David Booth, Ph.D.
HP Software
+1 617 629 8881 office  |

Statements made herein represent the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the official views of HP unless explicitly so stated.

Received on Monday, 7 July 2008 15:32:37 UTC