trivial question about SPARQL

Is this the current working doc?

What's the status of: SquishQL, RDQL, and TriQL ? still in use? 

Aare the main operators still the following, or has the syntax changed:

            PREFIX — specification of a name for a URI (like RDQL’s USING).

*           SELECT — returns all or some of the variables bound in the WHERE clause.

*           CONSTRUCT — returns a RDF graph with all or some of the variable bindings.

*           DESCRIBE — returns a description of the resources found.

*           ASK — returns whether a query pattern matches or not.

*           WHERE — list, i.e. conjunction, of query (triple or graph) patterns.

*           OPTIONAL — list, i.e. conjunction, of optional (triple or graph) patterns.

*           AND — boolean expression (the filter to be applied to the result).[1]


Received on Friday, 25 January 2008 09:56:49 UTC