Call for Demos: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing

IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) 2008 
Call For Demonstrations
The second IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC2008)  
builds on the success of ICSC2007 as an international and interdisciplinary  
forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss and present work that  
advances the state of the art and practice of semantic computing, as well as to  
identify the emerging research topics and to define the future of semantic  
computing. While still in the process of being narrowly defined, Semantic  Computing 
describes a set of disciplines that concerns automated recognition and  
processing of meaning, including natural language processing, multimedia content  
analysis, and semantic web technologies.
The Demonstrations provide a forum for researchers as well as industry  
participants to demonstrate their working systems, applications, tools or base  
technologies to the conference atteendees. The goal of the Demonstrations is to  
show prototypes and products that use semantic technology and provide  
functionality based on semantics in context of semantic computing. For the  
submissions to this event it is very important to describe the demonstration  setup, 
functionality and benefit to the viewer of the demonstration. Technical  
background discussion can be presented at the actual demonstration or can be  
submitted as an Industry track or regular conference paper; the focus of the  
demonstration is to show the functionality to viewers. It is expected that the  
demonstrations are highly interactive.
Topics for demonstrations include but are not limited to:
- Content and  Information Management 
- Knowledge Engineering 
- Data Mining 
-  Semantic Database Theory and Systems 
- Service-oriented Architectures and  Computing 
- Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services 
- Multimedia  Semantics 
- Audio and Speech Processing 
- Natural Language Processing  
- User Interfaces 
As noted in the main conference call for papers, systems and applications  is 
one of the main topics of ICSC2008. Demonstrations are ideally demonstrating  
a system or application that clearly shows the benefit of using and deploying 
 semantics and semantic technologies. In addition, tools and base 
technologies  that implement or use semantic technology or semantic approaches are 
invited for  demonstration.
Demonstration Setup
The Demonstrations are planned to be a single event during a conference  
reception function, open to all conference attendees, with the goal of open and  
constructive discussions. One table will be provided with power as well as an  
Internet connection. Posters can be put up behind or next to the tables  
(depending on the space) either on easels or the wall. Demonstrators must bring  
any additional equipment they require as no equipment will be provided by the  
Demonstration Submissions
Authors submitting papers to the Demonstrations must submit a 2-page paper  
that clearly outlines the demonstration that will be set up and the  
functionality a visitor to the demonstration can observe. The technical  background, 
such as the architecture or algorithms, should not be described in  detail; such 
a description would be better submitted to the Industrial Track or  main 
conference paper track. All submissions must be in double-column IEEE  format and 
follow the specific submission guidelines on the ICSC2008 web page.  The 
Conference Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press  and the 
accepted demonstration submissions will be included in the conference  
Important Dates
  Paper Submission: March 9th, 2008
Notification: April  24th, 2008
Camera Ready: May 16th, 2008
Conference: August  4th-7th, 2008
Conference website _ ( 

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Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2008 16:13:48 UTC