Re: semantic data models


I tried to answer some of questions below myself - done more reading in the 
I have sent you my draft under separate cover for you to check
(some information is still missing)

I need to add a section explaining to web mortals what is a sparql endpoint, 
and why should they know
perhaps you can help me here too...

 The SPARQL query language can be used on such data, and because
>> of the use of URIs as identifiers it's inherently Web-friendly.

I read with interest the tutorial (could not reach phil mccarthy on gmail)

I do however have the following questions:

1) definition of sparql = As 'sparql endpoint' is a URI where a
concatenation of RDF triples can be queried
2) do I need a semantic web browser/tool to query a sparql endpoint?
3) I pointed my firefox browser to
and all I got was 503 or other errors, could not get anywhere near the 
endpoint  or anything that looked like an endpoint
any idea where is the problem? is it in the connection? in the browser?

4) do you see in the future that I ll be able to use a 'standard'
browser and web interface to query an rdf graph?
is that asking for too much to have a high level interface that does
the sparql queries for me? (Ideally, I would just to a website and enter a 
natural language query, like i do with any current search engine, and all 
the linking should be done at the backend. I hope I am not expected to learn 
how to write sparql queries to navigate rdf graphs?
or is it?


>> also:
>> To make it useful internally, you may want to check out some of the
>> available tools, e.g. at:
> thanks a lot Danny - I am collecting points of view at the moment
> most useful
> best
> pdm
>> Cheers,
>> Danny.
>> -- 

Received on Saturday, 5 January 2008 08:52:02 UTC