Re: rdf in xproc

I think you will like mKR as a pipe language.
I plan to publish a short example to this email group very soon.

I only heard about xproc a couple of days ago,
and still need to study it.  So I can't yet say anything
about the relation of mKR and xproc.

I'd appreciate any pointers to good references on xproc,
and Ruby/JavaScript/Haskell/etc. pipes.

Dick McCullough
Ayn Rand do speak od mKR done;
mKE do enhance od Real Intelligence done;
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "carmen r" <>
To: "semantic-web at W3C" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: rdf in xproc

> On Tue Aug 26, 2008 at 12:44:32PM +0100, Giovanni Tummarello wrote:
>> Unfortunately sparql covers just very few processing requirements.
>> even URI rewriting is not possible in sparql (or is it? :-) if it is
>> its not trivial). Plus you have issues with named graphs. (how do you
>> name the inputs etc.. that you would need to cover.
> Ruby (and assuredly JAvascript, Haskell, etc) is nice as an RDF pipe 
> language
> the implicit blocks in ruby especially lend themselves to chained 
> pipelines, as does . in haskell..  javascript is a bit more verbose but as 
> long as you arent inlining anonymous lambdas its not too bad
> im sure you can write a function that takes 3 args and returns 3 results!
> even if you consider XML a dialect of lisp, its syntax is far from 
> comfortable for programming, and the same could be said about lisp, in 
> comparison to the above languages
> but to each their own. some people just love doing everything in XML for 
> whatever sick reason..

Received on Tuesday, 26 August 2008 17:06:48 UTC