[ANN] A pragmatic implementation of the Semantic Web


I am pleased to announce that my company is shipping developer tools  
and servers which solve many of the underlying impediments in  
realizing the Semantic Web vision. To accomplish this, I have  
significantly diverged from the prescribed W3C implementation and  
standards and have leveraged the proven ideas and technologies of Web  
2.0. I have summarized much of our implementation details to enable  
the Semantic Web community to understand our reasons for divergence  
and hopefully to work with me to ensure that the Semantic Web vision  
can become a mainstream reality in the near term.

The series starts here:


Here are the major concepts of the <alt> Semantic Web implementation:

1. We enable user authored and maintained meta data and the  
traditional Semantic Web prescribed implementation supports publisher  
defined meta data.

Semantic Web: Publishers vs. Consumers

2. We enable HTML pages to be described with meta data and the  
traditional Semantic Web prescribed implementation focuses on XHTML  

Semantic Web: Publishers vs. Consumers

3. We enable user control of their own meta data thereby empowering  
users and the traditional Semantic Web prescribed implementation  
empowers web site owners.

Semantic Web: Revenues vs. Empowerment

4. We enable users to describe specific HTML content and the  
traditional Semantic Web prescribed implementation enables publishers  
to describe the whole document.

Semantic Web: Documents vs. Elements

5. We implement meta data that is dynamic, versional, extensible,  
verifiable, executable, and shareable while the traditional Semantic  
Web prescribed meta data implementation is static and passive.

Semantic Web: Triple vs. Grand Slam

And the series concludes with the post:

Semantic Web: W3C vs. WWW

In light of our implementation, I --and I believe many of my  
colleagues in the Web 2.0 world-- would like to propose working on 2  

A. A reevaluation of the traditional Semantic Web prescribed  
implementation by adopting the user-centered focus established in Web  
B. Assuming a lack of flexibility to update the W3C Semantic Web  
standards; working with us to ensure that our meta data is usable to  
upstream technologies such as ontologies, RDF databases, and SPARQL  

Thank you.


ALT Mobile

http://altmobile.com/Home.html (web site)
http://web.mac.com/altmobile (official blog)

Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2008 06:35:32 UTC